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Mezcal Los Siete Misterios

Respecting the traditional mezcal production process since 2011

Born Mezcal Lovers

Inspired by the passion, traditions, and culture of their native Mexico, brothers Eduardo and Julio Mestre founded Los Siete Misterios in 2010 with the goal of searching and sharing a spirit  that represents the customs, culture, and passion of Mexico – Mezcal.


Eduardo and Julio spent years sampling Mezcal from villages across Oaxaca. They met local Maestros Mezcaleros who use traditional techniques honed over generations.


In an effort to preserve this ancestral knowledge, Eduardo and Julio teamed up with Maestro Mezcaleros to collaborate on a contemporary approach to traditional Mezcal.

Our Products

Beginning with the highest quality Agave plants, Los Siete Misterios follows artesanal and limited production methods including:

  • Distilling with 100% natural Agave sugars from ripe plants

  • Cooking in underground ovens

  • Milling with wooden mallets or a Tahona horse

  • Fermenting naturally

  • Distilling at least twice

This allows us to pursue our goal of respecting Mezcal traditions and customs while supporting local Mexican workers.

Our Production Process

Every great Mezcal starts with the right production process. At Los Siete Misterios, we ensure every detail supports creating the highest quality Mezcal.


We select only mature Agave plants that have ideally produced a quiote, which is then cut from the base of the plant to assure high levels of sugar in the Agave piña (plant).


Agaves are cooked in traditional underground ovens made of earth and stones. We use local wood to fuel the fire and place river stones, which get extremely hot, on top. We layer plant matter over the stones, then the Agave piñas, tarps, and soil for three to five days.


We use one of two milling techniques. We either use a hand-carved wooden mallet or traditional Chilean Tahona horses to crush the Agave.


We then place the juice and fibers in large wooden vats where they are exposed to open air. The local temperature and wild yeast naturally ferment the Agaves. We do not add anything except pure spring water.


Our Doba Yej, Ensambles, and Pechuga Mezcals are distilled in Copper pots while our Espadín, Barril, Mexicano, Arroqueño and Tobalá Mezcals are distilled in Clay Pots.

Our Artesanal Mezcals


After three years of watching the world fall in love with Mezcal, we noticed an opportunity to reach more people and diversify the way to enjoy Mezcal: through cocktails. The Doba-Yej is bright and floral with beautifully balanced citrus notes, perfect for enjoying neat or in cocktails. Doba-Yej means Maguey Espadín in the ancient Zapotec language and each label features a Mexican war hero. They depict Doña Josefa Ortiz, Father Miguel Hidalgo, and José María Morelos.


Agave Type: Agave Angustifolia Haw

Cooking: Earth oven using local wood and river stones

Distillation: Double distilled in Copper Pot Still

Region: Santiago Matalan, Oaxaca; San Dionisio, Oaxaca;
and Yautepec, Oaxaca


At Los Siete Misterios we like to explore new horizons that allow us to expand the Siete Misterios experience. We already had our line of Clay Pot Mezcals and our Doba-Yej, but we wanted to go back to the root of Mezcal.

Before the Mezcal trend, producers used to cook and distil different agaves together in the same batch. There was no “single variety” mezcal. We decided to launch this line of blends, or ensambles, to offer complex Mezcals that honor the blending legacy of the spirit.


This ensamble is a blend of Espadín and Cuishe. Unlike most Maguey, whose pencas (leaves) grow outwards from a piña (central heart) or rooted on the ground, the Cuishe agave develops as a long vertical stem or trunk with the sugar concentrated near the top where the pencas remain green and spikey. This shape resembles a barrel once the leaves are cut, hence why Cuishe is also known as Barril.


Agave Type: Angustifolia Haw/ Karwinksii

Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Copper Pot Still

Region: San Dionisio, Oaxaca


This ensamble is a blend of Espadín and Mexicanito. For many, Mexicanito is somewhat unknown, coming from the Rhodacantha family, an agave similar in size to the Espadín but much harder to find. The Mexicanito Maguey grows in the foothills of pine-oak forests from Sonora to Oaxaca. Soils richin organic matter provie the nurients it needs to reach its impressive size.


Agave Type: Angustifolia Haw/ Rhodacantha

Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Copper Pot Still

Region: San Dionisio, Oaxaca


This ensamble is a blend of Espadín and Tepeztate. The Tepeztate Maguey grows wild on high mountainsides and steep, rocky cliffs, making it extremely difficult to harvest. Their twisted, large green leaves make the Agaves look like massive spiders climbing up a mountain. This expression features notes of ripe citrus and tropical fruit due to the Agaves’ long age of maturation before harvest.


Agave Type: Angustifolia Haw/ Marmorata

Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Copper Pot Still

Region: San Dionisio, Oaxaca


This ensamble is a blend of Espadín and Tobalá. Tobalá is known as king of the Magueys because of its uniqueness. The Agave itself is very different from most other varietals. It is physically smaller with drastically different leaves compared to Espadín. Is also can only be reproduced through seeds, unlike most Agaves which can also produce offshoots. This makes Tobalá difficult to find and even harder to make into Mezcal since you need more of them compared to larger plants.


Agave Type: Angustifolia Haw/ Agave Potatorum

Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Copper Pot Still

Region: San Dionisio, Oaxaca


This ensamble is our special bottling featuring our Ensamble Especial. The Ensamble Especial is a special blend of four to five Magueys. This is a limited release with only one production a year.


Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Copper Pot Still

Region: San Dionisio, Oaxaca


With seven different Mezcals under our belt, we wanted to pay homage to the Mezcaleros and their families. We are eternally grateful for everyone who shared their experiences and lessons passed down over generations. Our Pechuga Mezcal celebrates the friendship among Mexicans and our combined effort to rescue our Mexican traditions.

Our Pechuga is a celebration Mezcal distilled a third time with turkey breast, fruit, and spices. These additions are chosen by Eduardo and Julio’s mother Doña Ángeles and Maestra Mezcalera Doña Sabina. With only one production a year, this Mezcal is truly special.


Agave Type: Agave Angustifolia Haw

Cooking: Earth oven using local wood and river stones

Distillation: Triple distilled in Copper Pot Still

Region: Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca

Our Ancestral Mezcals


The Espadín Clay Pot Mezcal was our first product. After learning from Maestros Mezcaleros across Mexico, we crafted the most traditional production process. We noticed distillates in Sola de Vega had a sweeter and spicier feature compared to other villages, so we decided to produce our own Mezcal there and explored the concept “from seed to the bottle.” Our Espadín Mezcal displays rich minerality with notes of avocado leaf, fresh herbs, flowers, and citrus.


Agave Type: Agave angustifolia Haw

Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Clay Pot Still

Region: Sola de Vega, Oaxaca


After presenting our first Mezcal, we wanted to explore the other Agave varieties Sola de Vega had to offer. The Barril Maguey, named after its resemblance to a barrel once cut, looks more like a tree than Maguey. Yet it offers rich earthy and herbal tones, contrasting nicely with the Espadín. The Barril Mezcal features these tones alongside notes of pistachio and preserved fruits.


Agave Type: Agave Karwinskii

Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Clay Pot Still

Region: Sola de Vega, Oaxaca


As we experimented with new expressions, we decided to roast the relatively unknown Mexicano Maguey. It closely resembles the Espadín agave but is very difficult to find. In fact, we have produced less than 2,500 bottles of Mexicano since the beginning of our brand due to the Maguey’s rarity. This unique expression evokes a harmony of herbs, fresh grass, papaya, smoked wood, wet earth, and Mexico’s beloved piloncillo.


Agave Type: Agave Rhodacantha

Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Clay Pot Still

Region: Sola de Vega, Oaxaca


The next unique and rare Maguey we distilled is the Coyote. Maestro Mezcalero Don Antonio explained Coyote and Arroqueño Magueys are close relatives and are often confused as the same Maguey. They are almost identical with minor differences only a dedicated connoisseur can appreciate. However, Don Antonio emphasized they have completely different taste profiles. The Coyote has more herbal notes and has become one of the most iconic Mezcals we carry.


Agave Type: Agave Americana L.

Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Clay Pot Still

Region: Sola de Vega, Oaxaca


As we increased our Agave range, we knew we wanted to create Mezcal from the Americana var, one of the oldest and largest Agaves. Agave Americana var. Oaxacensis, an Agave of large wingspan, can take between 12 to 25 years to grow depending on the region. This Mezcal is an icon of Los Siete Misterios and championed by many as their favorite. Soft and aromatic, our Arroqueño Mezcal beautifully expresses notes of citrus and walnut with an earthy minerality.


Agave Type: Agave Americana var. Oaxacensis

Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Clay Pot Still

Region: Sola de Vega, Oaxaca


Sola de Vega is best known for two things: as the birthplace of “La Chilena,” a type of regional music, and the Mezcal Tobalá. People travel from all over Mexico to get this distillate. Tobalá is the crown jewel of Mezcal because of its beauty, rarity, and unique taste. It resembles the bud of a rose and unlike other Magueys with “hijuelos,” seedlings sprouting from the mother plant, it only reproduces by seed. Since it is difficult to propagate, it is mostly found growing in remote locations. We are one of the few to harvest and cook the Tobalá Maguey. Those lucky enough to experience it fall in love with its magnificent taste.


Agave Type: Agave Potatorum

Cooking: Earth oven, using wood and river stones

Distillation: Double in Copper Pot Still

Region: San Dionisio, Oaxaca


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